Our statute

                                                                                              § 1.
1 Constitutive Act of Powiatowy Zespół Placówek Oświatowo-Wychowawczych in Wejherowo is Resolution No. III/VIII/78/07 and No. III/X/89/07 of the Wejherowo District Council from 29 June 2007 and from 30 August 2007 "w sprawie utworzenia Powiatowego Zespołu Placówek Oświatowo-Wychowawczych w Wejherowie".
2 Powiatowy Zespół Placówek Oświatowo-Wychowawczych, hereinafter known as PZPOW, is a public educational institution.
3 The lead authority over PZPOW is the Wejherowo District .
4 Educational supervisorover PZPOW is the Gdańsk Board of Education, based ul. Okopowa 21/27, Gdańsk,  .
5 Full name of PZPOW is: Powiatowy Zespół Placówek Oświatowo-Wychowawczych w Wejherowie.  .
6 PZPOW's office is located in ul.Strzelecka 9, Wejherowo
7 The organizing body may , at the request of the Council of Pedagogical Institutions , give Team name.
8 The established name is used by the team in full burdens of . On the stamps and stamps can be used to read the abbreviation for the Team.

                                                                                              § 2

1 PZPOW includes:
a) District Interschool Sports Centre in Wejherowo, headquartered in Wejherowo ul. Strzelecka 9,
b) Extracurricular activities circle in Wejherowo, headquartered in Wejherowo ul. 3 Maja 49,
c) Extracurricular activities circle in Rumia, based in ul. Starowiejska 4, Rumia.
2 Sites included in the Panel allow you to develop interests and talents, and use of various forms of recreation and leisure organizations in the area of the Wejherowo county.
3 Statutory Team activities are financed by the authority in charge.

                                                                              II. Bodies of the Team
                                                                                              § 3.

1 Team is headed by the Director of PZPOW in Wejherowo.
2 The Team behaves separately from Pedagogical Councils and other representative bodies.
3 The bodies of the Team are:
a) The Director of the District Team,
b) Council Pedagogical Institutions included in the team,
c) Parent Council Institutions included in the team,
d) Local Government Alumni Team.
4 Mission of detail the statutes of the facilities included in the team.

                                                                                              § 4

1 The tasks of the Director of the Group include , in particular:
a) directing the activities of the Group and represent it on the outside,
b) the organization of classes enabling developing interests and abilities and the use of various forms of recreation and leisure organizations in the area of the District Wejherowo ,
c ) organizational and pedagogical supervision over the functioning of the Team and the facilities included in the team ,
d ) determining a project sheet for the team and the organization of institutions included in the team ,
e) the availability of financial resources and educational team included in the team ,
f ) implement the resolutions and recommendations of the authority conducting and teaching staff of the supervisory authority and the resolutions of the Pedagogical Councils and other representative bodies of institutions included in the team ,
g ) the organization 's human resources, accounting and filing service team and facilities included in the team .
2 Director of the Head of the workplace for employees in all branches of the Team of teachers and employees are entitled to :
a) the hiring and firing of teachers and staff ,
b) the reward and punishment of persons employed ,
c ) request to the county , after consulting the Pedagogical Councils , on decorations and other honors .
3 Team Director and entrusts this function uses the authority conducting .

                                                                                              § 5

With the approval of the authority conducting, the Team created the position of Deputy Director.

                                                                                              § 6

The detailed organization of the institutions included in the team, areas of activity scopes of activities of teaching staff and other staff, rights and responsibilities of representative bodies and alumni specify in detail the statutes of institutions included in the team.

                                                                              III. Team Organisation
                                                                                              § 7

1 The detailed organization of classes in the Team in a given school year defines "cumulative" sheet organization approved by the team leader.
2 The sheet contains in particular:
a) the number of teachers assigned the hours of classes resulting from the implementation of the statutory tasks of the institutions included in the Team conducted solid forms of alumni,
b) the number of teachers entrusted with organizing activities with a massive,
c) the number of employees who are not teachers.
3 The team operates during the school year.
4 Hours of work of the Team determine Pedagogical establishments included in the team in agreement with the leading team.
5 Classes in solid forms are conducted on weekdays.
6 Class of occasional (mass) should be conducted on public holidays from work and school.

                                                                                              § 8

Detailed rules of organization and documentation of the course in the forms of fixed and movable in the Team of the statutes define the institutions included in the team.

                                                                              IV. final resolutions

1 The team leads and keep records in accordance with separate regulations.
2 On the official seals used in the names of the Team in full.
3 The financial management of the Group is carried out under the provisions of the Public Finance Act and the Accounting Act.
4 Team expenses are directly charged to the budget of the county and revenue deducted on the income account of the District.
5 Financial management for the compliance with the law and rational management of assets by the Chief of the Team.
6 The basis for the financial management of the Group's annual financial plan covering revenue and expenditure.
7 In PZPOW and agencies included in the team, as needs can be organized service personnel, accounting and related to registry.

                                                                                              § 9

Amendments to the Statutes of PZPOW shall be made in the manner provided in educational law

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